Rye Preschool's Fundraiser 2014
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Rye Preschool’s Fundraiser 2014

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For every item purchased between 3rd June, 2014 and 19th September 2014, Rye Preschool receives at least 10% of the purchase price.

Be sure to return your completed order form along with payment to Rye Preschool before 19th September 2014 so that you don’t miss out!

When placing your order online at www.spatz.com.au, make sure that you use the following code at the checkout. This will allow us to identify your order as part of the fundraising effort so that we return funds back to Rye Preschool. Your order will also be sent with all the other orders to Rye Preschool for the preschool to distribute at their chosen date.



Thank you for your continued support of Rye Preschool

Please direct all of your enquiries about this fundraising event to
Kylie Kinsey at Rye Preschool
[email protected] // 0450957292

For any product related enquiries, please visit www.spatz.com.au/contact or send a reply paid email to [email protected]

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