SPATZ Mini Peeps - Personalised Kids Accessories, Clothing & Gifts!
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We love that fact that we are a little bit different when it comes to printing names on stuff.  We don’t have any of the regular old restrictions, you can use as many letters as you like, entire sentences even, what ever rocks your boat, we’re cool like that.

Some of our fonts are a little bit fancy and decorative, and are intended to compliment the design, so please ensure that you check out the product image before placing an order. Some of our fonts used all uppercase, or all lowercase, or use mixed case representations (eg. ‘A’ for a lowercase ‘a’, ‘j’ for uppercase ‘J’, etc), so in these cases, it won’t matter how you have typed the name as the font may represent it differently.

At SPATZ, we’re constantly trying to improve, and some of our designs may vary in detail from the product example pictures, as we revisit older designs and adjust those to include more detail, graphic elements, colours, placement, effects, resolution or other design and/or print tools and techniques that we believe improve the design.

Similarly, some designs may be removed from the lineup at times so they won’t always be available, and they won’t always be available across the product range.

All SPATZ products are manually printed here @SPATZ HQ, please expect minor imperfections ie: not all items will have the same image positioning/sizing although we do try our hardest. Actual print colours also may vary to those on your screen. Image/name position/placement may vary from those seen in design selectors – for illustrative purposes only.

On the flip side we do have a few rules: WE WILL NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES PRINT ANYTHING THAT DETRACTS FROM OUR LABEL, INCLUDING: Licensed Images, Harassing, threatening, derogatory, defamatory, racist, abusive, hateful, violent or obscene wording, your order will be cancelled immediately. 

Supplied Additional/Birth Details/Text

Requested Additional Information is applicable to the product and design selected. SPATZ reserves the right to modify, omit partially or omit entirely the requested additional information provided for the preservation of the integrity of our digital artworks.

Dinnersets with multiple names and/or additional details will include those only on the plate and bowl. Mugs and cutlery will only include the first name.

Supplied Photographs

Photos supplied for use in photo products should be at 200-300dpi. Highly compressed photos will also contain a lot of graininess to the print. Low DPI photos will generally result in a red ‘rash’ appearance of some skin tones. We do not touch up, recolour, adjust, calibrate, blur, bleed, edit or otherwise of customer supplied photographs.

“Add a matching” options on products

The same design (variant) will be used for the add-on item, and customised with the same requested personalisation details. For some items, additional names may be omitted (for example, add-on cutlery and other very small items) may only have the first name included when a full name and/or birth details are provided. Some add-on design variants may be a little different from the example shown on the linked product. Differences may include layout, background, details available, however the overall theme of the design and the main design elements will remain mostly consistent.


Do not include any symbols, emoticons, emojis, icons or other graphical characters etc as most of the fonts we use do not have any of these glyphs available. If they are included, then they will be omitted if unavailable in the fonts. Some glyphs can prevent details from being stored on the order.

UV tee prints are not able to be personalised and are printed as per the design shown.

We print on kids stuff, that’s how we roll.

Special Note on Checkout messages

DO NOT provide additional information relating to order items, text , messages, “clarifications” OR OTHERWISE in the Gift message or Delivery Message areas on the checkout. Gift messages will be printed onto cards and included with the parcel. Delivery messages are provided to delivery partners to assist with delivery of your parcels. These are NOT AVAILABLE to us a the time artwork is prepared. If something special is required, which cannot be provided on the name/additional info fields on the product when you add it to the cart, please contact us, and we will try to accommodate. The customer is responsible for ensuring that details are correct on the individual items.

SPATZ “© Dezign Your Own Stuff” Service

Please ensure that all images are kept below 5mb. Anything submitted over this size will cause all of our servers to explode and we will no longer be able to provide SPATZ awesomeness to other peeps, so be cool peeps….be cool. We are quite happy to print almost anything that you choose to design using this service except for Licensed images and graphics subject to copyright. As the creator of your “© Dezign Your Own Stuff” product, By uploading your images you are assuming copyright and responsibility for those images and agree to obeying the laws of Australia. SPATZ Mini Peeps DOES NOT accept responsibility for the contents of the file you submit. We reserve the right not to produce any item that may breach our guidelines. If you’re submitting a digital artwork, ensure documents are flattened with no layers. Specifically, PDF layers, annotations, etc may not be visible when we load in the artwork.

SPATZ shall not accept liability or damage for the loss of files that you submit. Please ensure that you take care when uploading your images and designing your product as that is how it will be printed. If you think the resolution of your image is too low, please contact us.

By using the SPATZ Mini Peeeps “© Dezign Your Own Stuff” service You agree to indemnify SPATZ and its associated Suppliers against any claim made against or suffered by SPATZ in connection with your use of “© Dezign Your Own Stuff” and your breach of these Terms of Use or your breach of any rights of third parties.


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