Use your Own Artwork to Create SPATZ Stuff May 9, 2014 – Posted in: Uncategorized

Put Kids Artwork on a Plate, Bottle, Mug

Get creating with SPATZ Mini Peeps® Design Your Own Personalised Product sheets. Simply upload existing artwork or click on your choice of product to print out the “Dezign It” sheet and have your mini peep create the ultimate work of art!

Do you have Mini Peep artwork that you just can’t throw away or perhaps just placed in a box never to see the light of day again?  Then why not print your child’s art on some of our cool products.

Put your child’s art or footprints or handprints on a Plate, Drink Bottle, Clock, Cushion Cover, Placemat!

Footprint handprint Baby Plate Keepsake

Don’t have any art and would like to make something awesome?  Just download one of our easy “Dezign It” sheets and have your mini peep create their own masterpiece.

Not only are our products great for our child’s art but they also make a really cool keepsake for newborns. Use some non toxic paint to coat your baby’s feet and hands to create a print on a sheet of paper, then simply scan in your artwork and email it to us (snail mail is also fine) and we will take care of the rest.

Have your newborns footprints and handprints printed onto a cushion cover, plate, or clock to create the ultimate christening or new baby keepsake!

Add some birth details and a special note for the most coolest baby gift around!